About Akiko

reiki master teacher

Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Hypnotic Medium

Hi, I’m Akiko. I’m a Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Hypnotherapist, helping you connect with your soul to lead the life that you want to create, and I help you heal traumas that are blocking you to achieve that. Through working with your inner voice, I guide you to release and make a shift in your subconscious mind to create the new reality you most desire.

I’ve always believed in human potential – infinite possibilities regardless of the circumstances for us to heal, create and manifest the life we want to live. You might be feeling stuck in your current state and don’t know what to look for, but your soul always knows the highest good for your journey on the planet. I’ll guide your mind and body to let go of your limiting beliefs and align with your soul’s purpose to take the next step to walk your path. Through your emotions and physical symptoms as guides to find the root cause of the issues, I tailor healing sessions with you to release the blockages and patterns that are no longer serving you and to create the best outcome for you to prosper.

How did I choose my path?

I was born and raised in Kagoshima Japan and moved to the US in 2002 to explore freedom and choice that I believed every human is entitled to. In my 20s and 30s, I dedicated my career in the finance industry in NY and LA. The experience became my asset to collectively build meaningful changes in the tangible world by working with many amazing colleagues together.

Meanwhile, I had a spiritual awakening in 2011 to connect with the Source and explore the world outside of the physical dimension. The awareness led me to work on myself, heal past wounds, particularly inner-children, and study with many spiritual leaders and healers, most importantly my inner wisdom. Since 2013, I’ve been providing my healing and teaching services to those dealing with challenging life experiences to heal and integrate their life. I’ve experienced many transformations and awakening through my own healing process, which helped me understand my clients to heal and love their journey. I’ve seen many miracles and healing in my clients, and many of them became healers and catalysts to bring higher human consciousness to Mother Earth.

Love for Children on Earth

I’d like to extend so much love to all children who came here at this time. You’re meant to be here to learn and grow, and most importantly to experience happiness and light for being who you are. My mission is to guide you to heal and shine with your unique being and help you build confidence to create a one of a kind life that you truly care and love sharing with others. 

With all my love,


Akiko is a registered Consulting Hypnotist at the National Guild of Hypnotists and a registered member of the American Hypnosis Association.


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Awaken your soul and heal your heart

In this FREE workbook, you'll learn:

 - How to activate your intuition and senses

 - How to heal your heart and love yourself


With step-by-step exercises to open your heart to self-love!